EU Digital ID Wallet: Transforming Electronic Identification and Services in Europe

6 min readMar 27, 2024


As we navigate an increasingly digital world, the quest for a strong and smart digital identity becomes paramount. Despite the strides made in this digital era, the dream of a secure, inclusive, and user-focused digital identity remains a work in progress. The collective aspiration lies in crafting a digital identity that’s not just secure and reliable but also places the user at the heart of its design, safeguarding personal data meticulously.

The Cornerstone of Digital Identity: The European Union’s strategy for establishing a secure and unified digital framework

Imagine a world where your digital identity seamlessly integrates into your daily life, from accessing services to managing personal data. The EU’s Digital ID Wallet is more than a concept; it’s a step towards that reality. Born from the EU’s Digital Decade vision, this initiative aims to provide a secure and user-friendly digital identity solution for every EU citizen.

The Foundation: eIDAS Evolution

The journey began in 2014 with the eIDAS regulation, setting the stage for cross-border electronic identification and trust services within the EU. While eIDAS laid the groundwork, its evolution into eIDAS 2.0 marks a significant leap forward. The revised regulation paves the way for a Digital ID Wallet that promises enhanced security, trustworthiness, and seamless data sharing across the EU.

The Essence of the Digital ID Wallet

So, what’s at the heart of the Digital ID Wallet? Think of it as a digital counterpart to your physical wallet, encompassing not just identification but also various personal documents, from educational certificates to health records. However, it’s more than just storage; it’s about providing a secure and convenient way to manage and share your personal data.

Comprehensive Benefits of the EUDI Wallet for EU citizens

First and foremost, thanks to the Digital Identity Wallet, by 2030, EU citizens will have a secure and streamlined experience accessing digital identity and all essential public services, as well as numerous online platforms and private services.

  • Universal access to secure and trustworthy electronic identification and authentication.
  • Digital wallets that will be able to link their national digital identities with proof of other personal attributes (e.g., driving licence, diplomas, bank account)
  • A secure means to prove their identity and share electronic documents with a click of a button on their mobile phone
  • 100 % access online services
  • Qualified eSignature
  • A secure digital ID recognised throughout Europe
  • A secure storage and exchange information provided by governments or trusted private sources
  • A secure dashboard for complete privacy and full data control

Based on a survey undertaken during Identity Week Europe 2023 in partnership with SonicBee, findings indicate that the primary beneficiaries of the EU Digital Identity Wallet will be EU citizens, comprising a majority share of 55%.

Transforming the EU: The Role of the Digital ID Wallet

The EU’s Digital Decade goals are ambitious, aiming for a fully digitized Europe by 2030. The Digital ID Wallet is central to this vision, acting as a catalyst for transformation. It’s about ensuring every citizen has access to digital identity and essential services, thereby driving a major shift in how Europe operates digitally.

Interoperability: The Keystone of Digital Progress

Interoperability is the linchpin in this digital transformation, facilitating seamless cross-border services and interactions. The shift from eIDAS 1.0 to eIDAS 2.0 underscores this, with a heightened focus on interoperability. This not only enhances service accessibility but also brings substantial economic benefits, streamlining processes and citizens’ experience and reducing costs for citizens and businesses alike. Through cross-border interoperability, it is estimated that cost savings between 5.5 to 6.3 million euros annually for citizens and between 5.7 to 19.2 billion euros for businesses engaging with public administration can be achieved.

The EU Digital Identity in Action: Real-world Applications

The potential applications of the EU Digital Identity are vast, touching every aspect of daily life. From banking and healthcare to education and travel, the Digital ID Wallet is set to redefine how we interact with services and manage our personal data. This transformation isn’t just about convenience; it’s about fostering a more connected and efficient European Union. At this juncture, examining the use cases of EU large-scale pilot projects and Consortiums (for example, see: Potential) provides us with valuable insights.

The Banking and Financial Sector: A New Era

The financial landscape is on the brink of a major transformation, driven by the adoption of the EU Digital Identity. Banks and financial institutions stand to gain immensely, leveraging digital data for enhanced services, fraud detection, and innovative offerings. This marks the beginning of a new era in banking, where digital identity plays a pivotal role in shaping customer relationships and service delivery.

The Imperative for Digital Identity in Europe

The digital tidal wave is here, and with it, the need for secure and accessible digital identities has never been more pressing. Despite the ambitions for a fully digitized Europe, challenges remain, from ensuring widespread adoption to understanding data usage. However, the vision is clear: a Europe where digital identity is a right, not a privilege, paving the way for a more inclusive and digitally empowered society.

Beyond the Wallet: Envisioning a Digital Euro

As we delve deeper into the digital era, the concept of a digital currency, such as the Digital Euro, becomes increasingly pertinent. The European Digital Identity Wallet is not just a tool for identity management; it’s a gateway to a broader digital ecosystem. This ecosystem is not solely about facilitating transactions but about nurturing a digital community focused on a sustainable and prosperous future.

KOBIL: Pioneering the Digital Identity Landscape

At KOBIL, we are actively shaping the contours of the future, pioneering innovative pathways amid this digital revolution. From our roots in Germany to our global outreach, our mission has been clear: to fortify digital identities worldwide. Through our state-of-the-art solutions and unwavering commitment to collaboration and innovation, we’re not just preparing for a digital future; we’re shaping it. As we journey through this digital era, one thing is certain: the transformation is not just about technology; it’s about people. At KOBIL, we’re dedicated to ensuring that every individual is empowered, secure, and connected, ready to thrive in a digitally advanced Europe. We will do our part to make life easier and more secure for the 448 million EU citizens.


KOBIL is a global technology company focusing on secure digital identity and all-in-one multi-sided platform technologies. Since 1986, as a trusted Identity partner, KOBIL has been playing a vital role in the development of new encryption standards for identity-first security and regulatory-compliant solutions. Offering cutting-edge solutions for application shielding, user authentication, transaction authorization, and more, KOBIL is a market pioneer in digital identity and mobile security management. With over 500 employees worldwide, KOBIL is trusted by 5000+ stakeholders from banks to SMEs and start-ups, including the world’s largest and most trusted organizations like the German Government,Raiffeisen, Erste, ING, Airbus,DATEV, Migrosand Siemens. KOBIL’s recent innovation uniting all identity talents within a SuperApp platform highlight its commitment to compliance and innovation. KOBIL GmbH is the most visionary and market-leading provider of secure data technology solutions, with over 100+ million end users benefiting from its solutions. It operates in five headquarters — Germany, Switzerland, Turkey, the USA, and the UK — providing future-proofed projects and tech solutions across the world.

